Sunday, August 3, 2008

New Baby

Well folks, I actually own one...a REAL Louis Vuitton purse. I can't even type it...I am too excited! For those of you who are not materialistic, this will mean nothing, but I have wanted a real Louis for SO long...

My parents and sister went on a cruise to the Mediterranean and we could not go :-(. So my family brought me this back as a gift. It is so beautiful and I love it. :-)


Anonymous said...

well how could you not! it's beautiful :) congrats on your new "baby!" and... i sent you a text message today! our favorite girl will be singing her heart out at the Indiana Fair this Thursday! Can't wait!

Joi said...


It's lovely and so fun--I totally appreciate it! How sweet of your parents and sister.

I soooooo want the LV speedy 25.

Someday... : )

Unknown said...

how fun! I think your blog name should now be "Just the 4 of us" hee hee!