Friday, September 19, 2008

One of my favorite things...

about teaching high school is going to Friday night football games. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my JV games as well...I feel like a proud mom when my girls perform. But there is something about Friday night, packed stands, pre-game, marching band, dancers, cheer, etc. that is just really, really fun. It's nights like that when I really realize how "good" our kids are. I mean, put a few thousand kids together and BAD things can happen. But they never really do. They cheer ENDLESSLY for our team (it's actually really fantastic) and they just have a good time. It's nice. I always enjoy football season.

1 comment:

Joi said...

Me, too! I always get teary-eyed at games. The community/school spirit and energy is so moving.

I'm a dork!