Well, since I was called out on Jamye's blog, I decided to finish this list. Actually, I have thought about finishing it many times, and I don't know what is stopping me. I decided though, that I was not going to look back at my other posts, so if something is repeated, sorry!
These are in NO particular order:
24. The night when, at 2 am, Lexie heard a rooster, Rick went outside to "fix it" by throwing a firework in the street (which sounded like a gun) and us laughing hysterically in bed for like, 30 minutes after because the whole thing was so absurd.
23. The time I had with Dr. Denby while studying at SIUE. He was such an inspiration to me, and although I told him, I don't think he every truly knew what he meant to me.
22. My first "success" selling cupcakes!
21. The day when I went to get iced tea at Starbucks, and upon pulling up to pay, the guy told me that the woman in front of me had paid for my drink! She said someone did it for her once, and she wanted to "pass it on." Honestly, it made my day, restored my faith in humanity, and then I did the same thing about a week later. It was a small thing, but it had such a huge ripple effect.
20. When mom brought Ginger our dog home to us when I was 6 and Katie was 2. I remember dad saying, "We're not keeping her...she can stay overnight and that's all." Yeah...14 years later... :-)
19. Our first JV Dance performance this year. It was so exciting the see the girls on the field and it was great to see how excited they were.
18. Having Cuba Gooding Jr. "notice" me in a bar in L.A. Yeah, it didn't mean anything, but it made me feel pretty darn good. :-)
17. My dad reading "Santa Mouse" to us every single Christmas Eve regardless of how old we got, or how tired he was. Again, a small thing. Will I ever forget it??? NO!
16. Going with Rachel to see Sex and the City the movie. It was SO much fun! Even running through a downpour was fun...
15. Hearing Katie tell me that her college advisor sees "big things" for her and how proud he is of her. I am so proud of everything Katie has already done. She's awesome! I loving hearing from her.
14. Along that same line...hearing that Uncle Danny is teaching some classes at a private high school in LA (Harvard Westlake). I have always said he would be an amazing teacher and I am so excited that he gets this opportunity.
13. Making practice cupcakes with my dad. It was a big deal to me that he wanted to help me with this endeavor and that he was confident in my skills.
12. Getting chosen to go to Young Authors in elementary school. I remember thinking that I was basically amazing, and on my way to writing a bestseller. Granted, that didn't happen, but that really boosted my writing ability.
11. Yeah, it's materialistic...getting my first real Louis Vuitton. Say what you will, but it was pretty darn memorable.
10. Going to a haunted house with Corey and being chased to our car by the chainsaw guy. That was so freakin' scary...
9. J-A-M-Y-E: Here's the thing...she put this nice stuff about me before I posted so now it just looks like I am copying. I really am not. I love this girl...and if I had to pick one memorable moment, I couldn't. We have grand times together and we will continue to have more. No matter where we end up, we will always be "buddies." She is the best anyone could ask for...
8. Decorating our house for Christmas for the first time. I felt really grown up and it was really fun. I can't wait to do it again.
7. Going to dance camp with Cara and the girls...it was super fun!
6. Going to the farm...everytime we did. It is so much fun going to Uncle Ray and Aunt Doris's farm, going to the barn, getting tractor rides, etc. Love it!
5. Doing "St. Louis things" with Rick. We set this goal and have been trying to do things, and it is actually really fun!
4. TGIF + sleepover's + rootbeer floats + pigs in a blanket + grandma Bette's house=amazing.
3. Every moment with Grandma Velma...I only wish I had gotten more of them...
2. Sitting on my Papa's lap. Unfortunately, this is the only thing I remember about him, but it's a good thing if you only have one.
1. Grandpa Art telling me about family history stuff...it was really cool and I have never forgotten it.
0. Mom coming up to Eastern after a scummy boy broke up with me. I was in college and just needed my mom.
Yeah, I know that "zero" isn't allowed...tough cookies. I had too many. Hope you enjoyed it!