Monday, December 15, 2008

Coming to you live from...

my first snow day of the year. I called it...all you naysayers may now apologize! :-)

Now, Lexie doesn't really respect the concept of sleeping in on snow days, so here we are at 8:00. Actually though, that is sleeping in for me, so who am I to complain?

I am thankful for my snow day so that I can clean a little, bake, wrap presents, and just have a great day overall. Seriously, what other job can you have in your adult life where you get honest-to-goodness snow days??? It's great!

I always think of parents on snow days. All the parents I know always dread snow days because it means their kids have to stay at home. My mom always loved when we had snow days when we were young, and I think that is so sweet. We would always do something fun at home, and that is just one reason why she is a great mom! :-)

Alright...I am off to begin my day at home!

1 comment:

Joi said...

I'm jealous! I think we were the only district in the metro area who still had school! : (

But, yay for you for getting a day of fun!