Ok, well maybe only 20 seconds...yes, I feel that I need to follow all of my fellow bloggers and tell my "Earthquake 2008" story. They say that dogs can sense these things and I am a true believer. Lexie was up all night last night and at 2:30 Rick put her on the floor and she hid under the bed. He finally got her out and back in bed thinking she was just a whack job! Then, low and behold, 4:30...she barks...EARTHQUAKE!! Rick woke up, felt it, but thought he was dreaming. I.........slept right through it. Yeah...I missed all the excitement. Rick's mom called at 6:30, asked if we felt the earthquake, and I thought she was crazy. Then, she kept talking and I realized that I had actually slept through an earthquake. I felt better, though, when I got to school and found out I wasn't the only one!
Then, during my plan hour, everything shook again, and THAT time, I felt it!
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