Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Today we lost a "good old boy"

Well, after a long life, today Luke the fish bid us farewell. Let me give a little background on Luke:

Almost 3 years ago, I moved into a condo in Edwardsville with Jenni and Corey. After moving in, I decided to buy a beta fish. I went and picked him out with great care and he was beautiful with blue and green tones. He was my only pet and I really took good care of him and loved him. I named him Luke after Luke Duke from "The Dukes of Hazard." Now, the life span of a beta is 1 year, so I didn't expect much.

After a year, I moved into my own apartment and Luke went with me. We lived happily off of Esic Drive for a year. Then I moved to St. Charles to my apartment on Sun Lake Drive. Luke moved...again. He rode in my cup holder (in a cup!) from E-Ville to St. Chuck. What a trooper!

THEN, we moved into the house last March...ANOTHER move for Libbi and Luke! We made it again, me in the driver's seat, Luke in the cup holder. Well, again, he took it like a champ and adapted to his new surroundings. We lived together just the two of us until Lexie came...then Rick came.

We knew he wouldn't last much longer...lately he looked different. You might say, "Yeah, a fish cannot look different..." Well, they really can.

Believe it or not, we had become very attached to this little fish. For me, Luke was one thing that was with me through all of my moves and was something familiar. For Rick...I don't know what he was, but Rick really liked him too.

We will get a new fish this weekend, but we will miss Luke the fish. RIP little scaly friend!

1 comment:

Joi said...

awww---so sad! i'm sorry libbi!