Uncle Danny flew in from LA and did a benefit for the Epilepsy Foundation. It was a WONDERFUL night...he created a fantastic show and entertained the crowd 110%, and the event was at Bellecourt. The food/service/facility, of course, was perfect. The night was so lovely, and about halfway through the show, I had a thought...this "thought" will be relevant to those of you who knew my grandma Velma or know how close we were. Half way through the program I thought, "Wow, grandma Velma must be SO proud right now...her two sons, working together to benefit a wonderful organization. They are both so successful and using their talents/gifts for GOOD." Yes, that was my deep and meaningful thought. Sometimes when I think of her I get so sad because I miss her so much, but at that moment, I was happy...because I know she would be. Ok, here are some pictures!
This is Uncle Danny with the two singers from
the show. It turns out, they were in the choir
that sang in our wedding! Funny!
Cute picture!
Lucky me, in between two good lookin' men!
Ok, teachers don't often get to wear red, patent
leather heels! I LOVED it! I kept wanting to
sing "Red High Heels!"