Monday, June 9, 2008

Is she a baby or a dog? (Part 2)

Ok, the second time I asked this question was yesterday. It was SO hot (as we all know) and she was outside, and I thought, "I wonder if she would like a little baby pool?"

So, off to Walgreens I go and I found the perfect little pool for her. I came home, blew it up and we put a tiny bit of water in. I put her in and at first she just drank the water. Then she actually started to play and she jumped in and out of the pool! It was hilarious!

Being off for the whole summer, one has to find a way to amuse herself! Haha!

1 comment:

Joi said...

Adorable! There's been many a day when I have wanted a kiddie pool for myself!

Lex looks super sweet--and she's got the right idea!