Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Tired...Oh so tired...

My goodness! It is so hard to get "back into the swing" of things. After being off for two weeks, my body just cannot get used to working all day. Plus, for those of you who don't teach, newsflash: being with kids all day is extremely exhausting! Lately, my daily routine goes a little something like this: wake up, go to school, run errands after school until about 3:30 or 4:00, come home, nap for maybe a half hour, make dinner, eat dinner, fall asleep for another 45 minutes, or an hour, then finally just give up and go to bed. This is really no great life. Hopefully, I will be better next week and things will be a little more normal. Also, I am hoping that this is really due to "getting back into the routine" and I am not getting sick or something. I am just paranoid because everyone is sick it seems. Boo!

Currently, Rick is on the floor harassing Lexie and building ramps for her to run on and off of the furniture...boys will be boys, I suppose!

Well, that's all for now. As you could guess, I am off to bed!

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