Let's call tonight the MOST boring night! There is no particular reason, it is just boring! Here's the rundown:
1. We were really looking forward to getting fish tonight from a fish fry. Yummy! Oh, but yummy it wasn't...big disappointment.
2. Then, we both fell asleep like big losers! Boring!
3. Now, we are just sitting here watching stupid episodes of "Nip Tuck" because Rick wants to "catch-up." Sidebar: It is the weirdest show EVER.
What else?? It's been a crazy week at school...just the usual stuff. I don't get into details because this is the Internet after all...
Some other things are on the horizon and I will update when things are "official." NO, we are not having a baby! That seems to be a popular question...a popular question that I am VERY tired of hearing.
Well, back to Nip Tuck I suppose. I PROMISE to post pictures from Chicago soon!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
We had separate weekends. I went to Chicago to visit Katie on Friday morning. We ran ALL over Chicago, shopped, ate, slept, and had SO much fun!
Rick stayed here and took GREAT care of Lexie, took GREAT care of the house, went out with friends, and, overall, had a nice weekend.
I will post pictures later from Chicago. I am still trying to settle back in here in St. Charles.
Next weekend...off to Kentucky to see Brian and Johannah!
Rick stayed here and took GREAT care of Lexie, took GREAT care of the house, went out with friends, and, overall, had a nice weekend.
I will post pictures later from Chicago. I am still trying to settle back in here in St. Charles.
Next weekend...off to Kentucky to see Brian and Johannah!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
What a nice day!
Well, we were off school today...what a nice surprise! I was almost all ready to leave, and then Rick saw it on t.v. I put got all snuggled up and went back to sleep! Later in the day...my candle thing arrived! I love it, and it looks great!

Then, the day got better because Rick's office closed at noon so he got to come home! Great! We had a nice afternoon, and we all three napped and relaxed...NICE! Flash forward...tomorrow morning I am supposed to leave for Chicago...on an airplane. I am not sure what is going to happen, but we don't have school tomorrow so I DO NOT get docked my personal day! Woo hoo! Now, Rick and Lexie and I are watching Saw II. Normally, I am NOT a scary movie person, but all the hype of these movies has me too intrigued...we popped some popcorn and here we are. Oh yeah, did I mention that we even popped doggie popcorn for Lex? She LOVED it!

Then, the day got better because Rick's office closed at noon so he got to come home! Great! We had a nice afternoon, and we all three napped and relaxed...NICE! Flash forward...tomorrow morning I am supposed to leave for Chicago...on an airplane. I am not sure what is going to happen, but we don't have school tomorrow so I DO NOT get docked my personal day! Woo hoo! Now, Rick and Lexie and I are watching Saw II. Normally, I am NOT a scary movie person, but all the hype of these movies has me too intrigued...we popped some popcorn and here we are. Oh yeah, did I mention that we even popped doggie popcorn for Lex? She LOVED it!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Three Cheers for Uppercase Living!
Well...Uppercase Living was one of those things that I hoped was going to be as great in person as in the catalogue. Well, I am EXCITED to say they are amazing!! For those of you who do not know what U.C. L. is, it is basically like transparencies for anywhere in your home. They have a million billion options/colors/styles/sayings/pictures, etc. to choose from. Now, this type of home decor is not for everyone, but I absolutely LOVE it...here are my photos!

This is above the pantry closet in the kitchen

Monday, February 18, 2008
Found It!!

After deciding to "google" a description of my circular votive wall "thing" I HAVE FOUND IT!! Of all places...Ace Hardware online!! I guess you never know....It will be here in 3-8 days! Also, my "Uppercase Living" stuff has shipped. I will post pictures when I get it all in place in the house that I am hoping will one day look like a show house...tee hee!
Happy President's Day!

I know, I know...it seems like we have had a lot of days off since Christmas. Well, we kind of have! But today is legitimate...Happy President's Day! I hope you are taking advantage of all the President's Day sales! Sadly, I am not because I am trying to save money, and I am resting from my EEG this morning. For those of you keeping score at home, I had an EEG because we are hopeful that I can get off of my seizure medicine! Woo hoo! My doc. thinks I have outgrown it. Sooooo...every three months, after we decrease the medication, I go back in for another sleep deprivation EEG. It's annoying, but will be a small price to pay for what, I hope, will mean no more medication!
More good news...I think I am FINALLY feeling better!! I thought I was going to die/dead on Saturday night/Sunday morning, and I think I have turned a corner! Yeah! I am all better for my big weekend in Chicago this weekend!
Here's a plea: We are looking for a very specific item to hang above our fireplace. It is a circular design and it holds lots of little votive candles. I have seen them before, but now because we want one, they don't exist! HELP! If anyone has advice, please share! Oh, and I have already tried Old Time Pottery, Crate and Barrel, West Elm, Target, Wal Mart, Garden Ridge, and Ikea. So, those are out...any thoughts??
Lexie update: For those of you who know, Lexie is bad. She is a bad dog. I think she was lacking oxygen at birth or something! Even though she is bad, we love her. We have really been working with her and are starting to see great changes! This is great! We love our little bad girl...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day to you all! I hope the day was nice in some way. My day started out so wonderful because first hour I received a note saying that I had a flower delivery in the office. My husband sent me flowers!! I was so surprised!! Now, Rick has sent me flowers for Valentine's Day every year since I have been teaching. He started at Edwardsville, and has continued. It is so sweet and I never expect it!
We had a pretty simple Valentine's...I just picked up take out and we ate here. I really have not felt like cooking because I have been SO sick. Yes, I am still sick...I cannot seem to get better!
Tomorrow is our "big" night out...California Pizza Kitchen (yum!) and seeing Juno! I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE IT!!!!!!!
Happy Valentine's Day! xoxo!
We had a pretty simple Valentine's...I just picked up take out and we ate here. I really have not felt like cooking because I have been SO sick. Yes, I am still sick...I cannot seem to get better!
Tomorrow is our "big" night out...California Pizza Kitchen (yum!) and seeing Juno! I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE IT!!!!!!!
Happy Valentine's Day! xoxo!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
**Snow Day** AGAIN!!
Yes, you read it right...again! It could not have happened on a better day...let's recap:
3 weeks ago: I get sick with whatever is going around. I was so sick that I actually missed two days of school. I got medicine...that never worked. I decided to just wait and try to get over it.
Last Friday: I wake up sick...still/again. I realize that I probably need some more medicine. I can't call the doctor until Monday...ugh.
Monday (yesterday): I go off to school. On my plan hour, I call the doctor and they say they will call in a prescription. GREAT! The end is near! By the time school ends, it is sleeting like crazy and I leave around 3:30. I call Rick and tell him I am going straight to WalGreens and straight home. I go to WalGreens and get my medicine. As I am sitting (stopped completely) at the light, someone is turning in and slides right into my car. EXCELLENT. (Can you sense the sarcasm?) So we get out and I say that I need to call the police. This lovely individual begins to explain that I shouldn't call the police because he HAS NO DRIVERS LICENSE...AT ALL. So I start to get really worried...but I knew I had to call. So, I did. The police came and were as nice as could be...to me. They cuffed him and took him away. Sorry about your luck, sir! Now we have to worry about what is going to happen with my car. There is quite a bit of damage, and if they want to total it out, we do not have $$ for a new car right now. I had JUST started saving to hopefully get one next year at this time...**sigh**
So then I get home and decide, well, I am definitely going to take this medicine so at least something can happen! So, I take it and was SO SICK to my stomach for the rest of the night. I thought I was dying. Then, at 4 this morning I got "The Call"...thank you LORD!!!!! I seriously needed this snow day.
Tuesday: I sit...in my pajamas...watching my shows...waiting for a call from my insurance.
3 weeks ago: I get sick with whatever is going around. I was so sick that I actually missed two days of school. I got medicine...that never worked. I decided to just wait and try to get over it.
Last Friday: I wake up sick...still/again. I realize that I probably need some more medicine. I can't call the doctor until Monday...ugh.
Monday (yesterday): I go off to school. On my plan hour, I call the doctor and they say they will call in a prescription. GREAT! The end is near! By the time school ends, it is sleeting like crazy and I leave around 3:30. I call Rick and tell him I am going straight to WalGreens and straight home. I go to WalGreens and get my medicine. As I am sitting (stopped completely) at the light, someone is turning in and slides right into my car. EXCELLENT. (Can you sense the sarcasm?) So we get out and I say that I need to call the police. This lovely individual begins to explain that I shouldn't call the police because he HAS NO DRIVERS LICENSE...AT ALL. So I start to get really worried...but I knew I had to call. So, I did. The police came and were as nice as could be...to me. They cuffed him and took him away. Sorry about your luck, sir! Now we have to worry about what is going to happen with my car. There is quite a bit of damage, and if they want to total it out, we do not have $$ for a new car right now. I had JUST started saving to hopefully get one next year at this time...**sigh**
So then I get home and decide, well, I am definitely going to take this medicine so at least something can happen! So, I take it and was SO SICK to my stomach for the rest of the night. I thought I was dying. Then, at 4 this morning I got "The Call"...thank you LORD!!!!! I seriously needed this snow day.
Tuesday: I sit...in my pajamas...watching my shows...waiting for a call from my insurance.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
A Quick Update
Well, this is just what it says...a quick update.
1. It's cold, and we are both tired of the crazy weather.
2. They are calling for more snow...would I mind another snow day??? NO! I would love it.
3. Lexie has been a very good girl lately!
4. Weight Watchers is going well...5 pounds gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. I have been sick for...3-4 weeks and it is really becoming a drag. Any advice?
6. We had dinner with Rick's parents last night.
7. We had dinner tonight with our friends Jon and Sara at their new house.
8. We are having dinner tomorrow night with my parents.
9. OUR WEDDING VIDEO IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is pretty much amazing...I can't even describe it...I am SO thankful we have it...I highly recommend a video for all future marrying people!
10. I am tired, and need sleep...so, that is the quick update!
1. It's cold, and we are both tired of the crazy weather.
2. They are calling for more snow...would I mind another snow day??? NO! I would love it.
3. Lexie has been a very good girl lately!
4. Weight Watchers is going well...5 pounds gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. I have been sick for...3-4 weeks and it is really becoming a drag. Any advice?
6. We had dinner with Rick's parents last night.
7. We had dinner tonight with our friends Jon and Sara at their new house.
8. We are having dinner tomorrow night with my parents.
9. OUR WEDDING VIDEO IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is pretty much amazing...I can't even describe it...I am SO thankful we have it...I highly recommend a video for all future marrying people!
10. I am tired, and need sleep...so, that is the quick update!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Congratulations to the NY Giants!
Way to go Giants! We were SO excited tonight when the NY Giants blew the stupid perfect season of the Patriots. Tom Brady may be attractive on the outside, but other than that, he is an ugly, cheating, womanizer. I mean, really...and then what about that little baby fit the NE coach Bill blahblahblah threw with 1 second left????? GROW UP!!! Either way, you will make millions of dollars for not doing anything of substance...awesome. Sorry, this wasn't meant to be a rant against paying professional athletes outrageous salaries while teachers make nothing...oops, did I say that?
But really, congratulations to the Giants. They played an awesome game and how adorable was Peyton cheering for his baby brother??!! That's awesome...I always love the underdog. Good job NY!!
Well, tomorrow is a Monday. I won't wish you a "happy" Monday, because Monday's aren't happy. I will wish you a fast Monday. Let's get through another one.
Maybe something new and exciting is on the horizon...
But really, congratulations to the Giants. They played an awesome game and how adorable was Peyton cheering for his baby brother??!! That's awesome...I always love the underdog. Good job NY!!
Well, tomorrow is a Monday. I won't wish you a "happy" Monday, because Monday's aren't happy. I will wish you a fast Monday. Let's get through another one.
Maybe something new and exciting is on the horizon...
Friday, February 1, 2008
**Snow Day**
Well, my greatest love happened...a snow day! I have ALWAYS loved snow days, and even though I am now a teacher instead of a student, I still love them. A lot of people crab because we have to go "one more day in summer" but I say, who cares?? I would rather have a nice "surprise" now and make up a day or two at the end. Big deal.
Well, it was a great snow day. Rick stayed home too, because we had SO much snow. So, we stayed here, did some work, stayed in our pajamas ALL day, napped on and off, watched movies...it was GREAT! Lexie loved it!
It was a great day! And now, we still have two weekend days to look forward to! Wonderful!
Goodnight everyone!
Well, it was a great snow day. Rick stayed home too, because we had SO much snow. So, we stayed here, did some work, stayed in our pajamas ALL day, napped on and off, watched movies...it was GREAT! Lexie loved it!
It was a great day! And now, we still have two weekend days to look forward to! Wonderful!
Goodnight everyone!
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