Tuesday, February 12, 2008

**Snow Day** AGAIN!!

Yes, you read it right...again! It could not have happened on a better day...let's recap:

3 weeks ago: I get sick with whatever is going around. I was so sick that I actually missed two days of school. I got medicine...that never worked. I decided to just wait and try to get over it.

Last Friday: I wake up sick...still/again. I realize that I probably need some more medicine. I can't call the doctor until Monday...ugh.

Monday (yesterday): I go off to school. On my plan hour, I call the doctor and they say they will call in a prescription. GREAT! The end is near! By the time school ends, it is sleeting like crazy and I leave around 3:30. I call Rick and tell him I am going straight to WalGreens and straight home. I go to WalGreens and get my medicine. As I am sitting (stopped completely) at the light, someone is turning in and slides right into my car. EXCELLENT. (Can you sense the sarcasm?) So we get out and I say that I need to call the police. This lovely individual begins to explain that I shouldn't call the police because he HAS NO DRIVERS LICENSE...AT ALL. So I start to get really worried...but I knew I had to call. So, I did. The police came and were as nice as could be...to me. They cuffed him and took him away. Sorry about your luck, sir! Now we have to worry about what is going to happen with my car. There is quite a bit of damage, and if they want to total it out, we do not have $$ for a new car right now. I had JUST started saving to hopefully get one next year at this time...**sigh**
So then I get home and decide, well, I am definitely going to take this medicine so at least something can happen! So, I take it and was SO SICK to my stomach for the rest of the night. I thought I was dying. Then, at 4 this morning I got "The Call"...thank you LORD!!!!! I seriously needed this snow day.

Tuesday: I sit...in my pajamas...watching my shows...waiting for a call from my insurance.

1 comment:

Joi said...


i'm glad you're ok!!!! of course that jerk didn't want you to call the cops---good thing you did :-)

hopefully you'll get better soon...i'm sure the snow day helped a little ;-)